Hardware and Design

The Ultimate Tool For Research

The DexHand design reflects a commitment to balance a number of key goals in order to produce a hand ideally suited to practical, real-world research tasks in humanoid robotics.

We believe that the combination of features, performance, and accessibility are uniquely suited to the challenges facing researchers attempting to do real-world training of humanoid robots with dexterous hands.

Realistic Dimensions

In the standard configuration, the V2 DexHand is composed of four identical fingers and a thumb of similar size to a standard adult male human.

Finger Motion

Digits are arranged around a central palm section in the same layout as the human hand and have similar movements including lateral spread of the knuckles.

Durability and Self Healing

Some twisting is permitted as the knuckle joints are held together elastically. In the event of accidental contacts, the fingers can easily dislocate at the knuckle joint and then automatically go back together.

No Robot Hand Can Do as Much for So Little

The DexHand design is optimized for low cost production and maintenance. Every moving joint is ball-raced, every sliding contact point with the tendons is on PTFE or polished steel.

The DexHand is classed as a semi-dexterous robot hand because the fingertips can be arbitrarily positioned within the same range of motion as a standard adult male human hand. This allows it to pick up a wide range of household objects with ease as standard.

We believe this combination of accessibility and performance to be truly unique among dexterous humanoid robot hands that are available in the market today.